Monday, December 24, 2007
Back stage Challenges in the Skit : Hum Project implement kar chuke sanam…
First of all, there was very little time to prepare…
And there were very few people to work with.
The condition of the person working on the story was even worse. This is because there were many changes in the songs selected for the script. Songs have to be selected before finalizing the script. This is because performers needs some time to practice for the dance. Most of us were not great dancer, because of which we had to change some songs to match our capabilities. It put added pressure on Ismile bhai and Jahangir they end up having no time to practice… But we took this risk knowing their last performance.
The condition of the performers was also not great. Some of us have delivery deadlines to meet. So after the practice session these people stay late to complete their primary responsibilities. Others who were relatively free took up the challenge to coordinate and train people.
This skit was hugely depended on Audio. We had to collect so many songs and edit them to suits our requirement. If the music system would mot have worked, as happened in the last party, we could not have done even a single scene.
The basic theme of the skit was to present the different stages of life with the help of MUSIC & DANCE. A single step missed by performer (dancer) could have easily turned down the whole skit. We had a challenge to dance so that people can enjoy, act so as to make people laugh, and achieving both without being stupid.
Of the other challenge, the one was to meet the high expectation after the superb performance by Ismile bhai in he last party. To meet that expectation we took the bollywood way. But this made our task little more difficult. Because now we require 10+ people to perform… with absolutely no time and no resource to work with, this looked like an impossible task. That was the time when some new face in GE showed great interest in performing with us. We also got good support from the Anchors for the event.
I don’t know how well did we perform, but I know one thing I enjoyed a lot to be part of the skit. And I can say he same for all those were part of this skit…
Abhishek Jain
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
क्षमा वाणी पर्व
अभिषेक जैन
क्षमा-वाणी पर्व ( जैन समुदाय)
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Would Prashant had survived had he been not from north east???

But the same cant be said for Talent Hunt show.
Take the recent example form Indian Idol.
Emon and Chang signed beautifully l but still did not get enough votes so as to survive in the competition where as Prashant, a relatively bad singer, did not come even in the bottom 3 ever.
How can one explain this.. Very simple... Things like Indian idol are big event for people in Shilong but not in the City of Joy. People from small cities follow these participants religiously. A Mumbaiker or Delhiets has many other Idol, form tendulkars to rahul gandhis, in close vicinity to follow. So they don’t feel emotionally motivated to vote for a young singer from their city participating in Talent Hunt.
So Talent shows are actually providing a level playing field... don’t you think so???
Btw my fav is still there... and do I vote for him???

Sunday, August 26, 2007
Dabral Sir and Chak de...

I still remember the words MR Dabral told me during that ride
" Dekh logon ko 2 tarah se unite kiya ja sakta hain.
1. Sab logon ko bahut enjoy karo sath main. Roz party karwao.
2. Sab logon ko sath main suffer karwao.
Jab tak kisi ko extream condition tak nahi le jate tab tak wo log unite nahi honge.
par pahele tarike main ek problem hain. Pahel tarike main chote chote groups ban jate hain. Dusare tarike main 40-50 logon ka ek bada group banaya ja sakta hai. Aur isliye hi seniors hum logon ki ragging lete hain "
I really felt that he was honestly sharing his views with me. Though his views sound opposite to the popular belief, but i felt it to be very true.
An army training is one such example. Normal boys (Cadets) belonging to different parts of India, who doesn’t know each other, becomes formidable army where fellow solider comes before one selves. During initial days they curse and use all sorts for words for their trainer. As they start sharing their sufferings, they become a team.
This fact is very well used be Kabir Khan (SRK in ChakDe India). He realized that the first thing that gals should learn is to play as a team, without which individual brilliance does not matter (fortunately or unfortunately that was also missing).
He gave a very tough time to all gals.. He used foul language. He made fun of their inabilities. In the night all the gals were tired and full of anger. They decided against their coach and signed an application requesting Hockey federation to change the coach.
And this exactly what Kabir khan wanted. He wants gals to stand for one cause, even for the wrong one.
One can learn skills. One can formulate strategies. But to learn team skills is very difficult. Surely one can play team games, can attained seminars, but these things helps when the goal is not big enough as in the case of corporate project. But for the bigger goals, the only way is the way through SUFFERING.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
ICC - Indian Citizen Coalition
The way things are going since last 10 days, it seems that we are going to have elections very soon.
I would like to request people of India to vote for a national party this time so that we can have a single party govt.
The problem that we faced in last 10 years due to coalition govt must end asap.
Form the experience we had in last 10 years, it is clear that small parties plays spoil sports on development works esp. reforms.
Some people may feel that the regional parties stand for the right cause. But the end result is that govt end up doing nothing because of differences in the allied parties.
Regional parties follow there ideology more than anything. This is because they will loose the support if they make compromise on there Ideology. As only few people follow them these parties can’t take the risk to loose support even of small sect of people.
Due to all this coalition govt end up working only on COMMON MINIMUM PROGRAM.
Regional parties work well in their respective regions as they are directly answerable to people of those regions. They are answerable for the development of the region. But when it comes to Central govt they play dirty politics in order to get political mileage.
Parties which have national presence works with a vision. Not because they have better leaders than others but because of the fact that they will loose the election if they don’t work for the development of the nation. There prime objective is not to expand to other regions as they already have good presence through-out the country.
Same is true for regional parties in their respective states.
But on national level they tend to stick to idealistic approach which is far from pragmatic approach.
So it would be good for India to have a single party govt next time.
So please vote for National parties next time you vote (provided you vote) even you are not completely in sync with that party ideology.
Lets form a coalition amongst ourselves. Our Common Minimum Program will be to vote for a National Party next time.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Harry Potter joining INFY
Year 2010:
It will take him more than an hour to reach the campus form his 2 star hotel.
His face would be red due to Indian summer. But as he would enter the campus, he will feel relived to see lush green campus.
Our harry does not know anythign about programming. So he feel very uncomfortable listening to people using the words "string, loop, parent, class, inherit" in very unusual way.
Ignoring this He will go and meet one HR so that he could complete joining formality. On being asked for his name, he will say "Hari Putra". He wants some Indian name for himself.
He will start learning programming.
But he would not be supposed to use these skills outside the Infosys campus.
One day, a virus, send by Ministry Of software, would attack his on his roommates system. Hari will use his networking skills to kill it.
Because of this, he would be found guilty and Ministry of Software would like to expel Hari. At this difficult time, Narayana Murthy, Old mentor of Infosys, will come to rescue him.
Ministry of Software will not like this. They would like to take control of Infosys. So they will plant an HR in Infosys.
The HR will make it sure that Hari Putra is not allocated to any project.
He will stay on bench for 6 months. (Poor Daniel)Frustrated, Hari might try to change the company, but no company would be ready to buy out his 2 year bond with Infosys. (What a pity) In the end, a day will come when he will start writing blogs like this. May be about Krissh… :)
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
10 ways of Partying
Last week I organized a Party. Oho I should say A “Successful Party”. Don’t believe, even I don’t, but its true. So I thought why not to write something like “10 ways to organize successful Party”. But suddenly Brilliant idea stuck my mind; why not write about “10 ways Partying hair”.
Let me give you the list before I jump on to something else:

The Raja Babu looks: Plain and simple. Well combed oiled hair with left side partition line.

Beckham looks: you know it all abt this looks. I try this very scarcely.
Sid Looks: Siddharth of DCH looks. Very small hair, all combed forward. No partition line.

Fifty-Fifty way: Partition line exactly in middle. have to apply “wet gel” with this looks.

Raju-50 way: best suited for me. This is my natural partition line. The partition line is between Raju type and Fifty-fifty types.

No partition looks: hair combed forward with no partition line, Wear it when in hurry.
Who cares Looks: love this looks. but cant be like this in office. Tried this in Kanbay party. Does not comb hair at all.

long straight hair in the back,
targeting this for next 1 month.
Pony tail: haven’t tried. Might try after Sanjay Dutt looks.
Bald & Beautiful: wana try this, but head shape is not perfect.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Weekend movies
Wo lamhe
My brother Nikhil.
Wo lamhe
Wo-lamhe is good but very depressing movie. The producer of the movie Mahesh bhutt has dedicated this movie to Parbeen Bobi. It is said they share the same chemistry as of film hero-heroin. Well no comment on this...
Shiney aahuja (as usual) is too good in the movie. He suits to this kind of role so naturally. The intensity of love can be seen in his eyes. Kangana too suits these kinds of roles. You'll always find her in a suicidal mood, sitting on precipices, with a blade and a bottle. And yes, always in a state of undress. But her spotless half naked body, big deep and numb eyes, her sad voice made me fall in love with her character.
The best part of the movie is its songs... Music is awesome… and lyrics are better than the music. It conveys so much after seeing the movie. Especially this one ->
बिन तेरे क्या है जीना - २
मेरे दिल कि रानी तुम, मेरी खुशियों का मौसम
मेरे ख़्वाबों कि ताविज़, मेरे सपनों कि तस्वीर
बिन तेरे कैसी आस, वोह जीत हो या हार
तेरे संग है सब कुछ, तू ना हो टोह बेकार
बिन तेरे क्या है जीना - २
सुनी खाली रातें, रुठी फीकी बातें
हर आहट पे चौकों, तुझको हर्सू देखू
तुझको हरदम सोचु, तुझको हर पल चहु
तेरे बिन टोह जीवन मेरा है इंतज़ार
बिन तेरे क्या है जीना - २
तेरे साथ जिये जो पल, कुछ उनसे नही बढ़कर
तेरे खातिर सांस मैं लूं, तेरी खातिर जीता हूँ
मरने कि तमन्ना भी, तेरे साथ मैं रखता हूँ
तू है जीने कि वजह, कर मेरा ऐतबार
बिन तेरे क्या है जीना,
My Brother Nikhil:
No words to praise this movie. With my bad linguistic abilities, I can’t do justice commenting about this movie.
I am just writing the story in nutshell…
The movie touches two controversial topics, Homosexuality and AIDS.
We have had movies like Kal Ho Na Ho which makes fun of homosexuality. We have had movies like PAGE 3 which does not makes us laugh on homosexuality but portrays it as something bad.
But here is a movie which shows the relationship between two boys with all its dignity.
Both the boys cares for each other, get jealous when one is linked with other person. Juhi and her brother Suri share a wonderful relation. Juhi and her husband also knew about Suri and Purab’s relation.
Suri was state Swimming champion. His family was too proud of him. But once people come to know that Suri us HIV +ve they started treating him as untouchable. State Govt even confined him in a pathetic room. This movie, unlike other, showed that parent including Mother can also leave her child when he wants her most. People blamed their homosexuality for Suri infection.
Juhi and Purab fought for Suri’s right to live. Suri and Purab stayed together once he was out of confinement. Slowly Suri develops AIDS and dies in the end.
Spiderman -3
The movie is good but it is somewhat complicated which makes it little heavy. So it might be good idea to watch Bhojpoori version of this movie.
Three villains and a hero, and Spidy having problem with her love. That not all, Spidy is fighting with himself. MJ kisses Spidy’s best friend Harry Osborn, Spidy kisses his fan in front of MJ. Spidy become NY celebrity but MJ’s career is going down. Add to this, there is emotional angle of Sand man, Professional rivalry of second villain ( I forgot his name) and feeling of revenge in Harry Osborn.
So watching in bhojpoori will suffice your thrust for fun.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
And we feel bad
Do you follow cricket? Did you follow India -Bnagaldesh match today?
hmm I know the answer.
Why cricket loving country hates cricket(cricketers to be precise) today.
Opps!!! What a silly question?
No the question is not silly.Actually it is wrong. India was never a cricket loving nation. We were always a cricket crazy nation.
We have given them the status of GOD (Perfect players who does not need to be changed). And that’s why we feel robbed today.
God can’t underperform.
He is better than others.
He will always play to his full potential.
He is perfect and he doesn’t need any change.
Because he is the best he will always be better than other in every condition.
He does not need any foreign coaching.
No one in the world can beat them because no other human can match GOD.
God doesn’t need to be replaced by some other better God.
Gods are so motivated to play for the country that their mutual difference can’t affect their performance.
It does not matter who governs the GOD. (Board)
Some of our Modern God:
A player who outperform for some time becomes GOD.
Sachin (Did this for quite a long time)
Saurabh (He is actually Captain God)
Rahul (Doing it consistently even today)
Dhoni (He did a Super God for some time)
And we feel bad:
India performs badly in hockey. We don’t care because we never expected. But we will always expect God to perform well and if they don’t we feel robbed. Not many in the world gave Indians a good chance to win the cup. But we all gave. If it is love and support then all of us should be punished for not supporting other sports. It was good to hope and pray and believe that India COULD win the cup. But believing that they would win was not logical. We should accept the truth. And the truth is that there are many problems in Indian Cricket. And all these problems were present even before the WC. And many people brought it to the public (ours) notice. But we never took it seriously. We continued believing that India was going to wit the cup.
And today we feel disgusted… Strange!
ग़र वो मिलता है मुझे मर के तो मर जाने दो
मुझे यार के घर जाने दो
मुझे मत रोको
मुझे यार के घर जाने दो
मैं हूँ परवाना
मुझे शम्मा पे मर जाने दो
मुझे मत रोको
उसको पाना ही मेरी जिन्दगी का मकसद हैं -२
ग़र वो मिलता है मुझे मर के तो मर जाने दो -२
मुझे मत रोको
दिल कि आँखों ने मेरी अपनी सनम देख लिया -२
अब इसी दर पे मेरे दम को निकल जाने दो -२
मुझे मत रोको
मुझे यार के घर जाने दो
मुझे मत रोको
मुझे यार के घर जाने दो
मैं हूँ परवाना
मुझे शम्मा पे मर जाने दो
मुझे मत रोको
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Is Credit card a Death card.
The statement argues that the use of credit card has allowed people to easy access to money. Further it says some people who are unable to pay the money back commits suicide. I believe that high credit balance cant, in most cases, push a person that far where he/she decide to commit suicide. Therefore i disagree with argument completely.
People commit suicide when they end up in a situation which they are unable to face. One of the main reasons is that when people take money as debt and are unable to pay it back. Ten or twenty years back, taking debt was a not consider a good habit in many parts of the world. This was because people used to take debts when they are in financial trouble. Also the process of taking money on loan was cumbersome. But a lot of things have changed because of Credit Cards. Today credit card is considered as a symbol of status. It is very easy to take money on credit with the use of credit cards. People don’t have to go to bank or any financial institution in order to take credit. They don’t have to tell anyone how they are going to use money.
The Credit limit of cards is usually 2-3 times more than the monthly salary of person using it. This increased limit gives them a false impression of their spending ability. Under this false impression they tend to spend money on impulsive buying. With the use of internet and mobile they can buy or book reservation online from anywhere. People thus spend much more than they would have done without credit cards. The interest rates charged on money used through credit cards is around 30-40 % per annum compared to 10-20% on normal loan. Most of credit card users have more than one card. So they can actually spend up to 6-10 time there monthly income. So people spending money mindlessly can end up having a debt equivalent there annual salary. A user might lose his card and the thief might use all the available balance in the card. But a credit equivalent to annual salary can be easily paid in due course of time. People commit suicide due to very huge loan amounts. A credit equivalent to one year salary can not force a person to commit suicide in most of the cases. The credit sum might look impossible to pay in case job loss or theft. A person might commit suicide because his/her payment on a porn site or some anti social website is traceable by the use of credit card. But this is a rare possibility and many other things are responsible for any such events. So worng use of credit card can make the life of the user tough but in absence of any other unfourtunate event it cant make life that worse that a person decides to suicide.
Friday, May 4, 2007
Somewhere I read this:
Q: What motivates people to seek out love?
A: Our primary motivation as human beings is to expand the self and to increase our abilities and our effectiveness. One of the ways we accomplish this is through our relationships with other people.
Going by this logic there is high probability of a person falling in love when he/she experience a high urge for self expansion. We feel this when we find someone attractive but also when some finds us attractive.
This probability further increase in the following situation:
1. When the two are working together in high demanding project.
2. When there are common interest or when interest compliment each other
3. An outside force (a friend giving love fundas) increases the urge to self expand.
4. Unknown / Unexplained or divine intervention. Most of the time it is purely circumstantial. It also depends a lot on our physical and mental state at that time. A momentary thought generated in the mind kick start an impulse of feeling which goes on increasing due to some unexplained cascading effect.
Phases of love
There are two phases in love:
1. Transition phase
i. Transition Up
ii. Transition Down
2. Constant Phase
During the transition phase (up and down) a lover is under the effect of high CHEMICAL LOCHA going in his/her body which result in excessive enthusiasm (in case of UP) or utter disappointment (in case DOWN).
Transition Phase
A very-2 common but strange thing happens in this phase. Because all of us have logical mind, so it can’t sit idle and watch something happening. But the feelings are so strong that it looses some control over the body. So in order not to accept its defeat it starts asking question that are not relevant. Like, (the most imp one) Why do I love her? (Let’s suppose everything is happening in boys mind)
And the answer comes (Note: the boy's mind, the lover's brain, give precise reasons to support his answer)
Answer: I love her because:
1. She is beautiful
2. She can compliment me in all respect.
3. She is very caring.
and bla bla…
Does that mean when,
1. She becomes old and ugly
2. If the boy discover afterwards that she is not able to compliment in some important respect.
3. If she gets paralyzed.
and bla bla…
any of the above case occurs then boy will stops loving the girl.
NOooooooooooo WAYyyyyyy
This proves that all the people loves there loved ones without any reason. Although they admire the characteristic of their loved ones but this by no means is the reason for their love.
In fact, trying to figure out the reason for love is foolish. Love is something related to heart and reason or logic is something related to Brain. Heart does not understand the language of logic or reason.
The reality
Because we feel passionate attraction and desire for a person we start liking and admiring every single thing about that person. During this period we ready to compromise and change almost any thing that was comes in our way. The feeling of love is so strong that it overrides (in most of the cases) or align all other desires of our life.
This could be positive or negative. I have seen many boys giving more respect to a girl after falling in love than they used to do when they were single. This does not mean that only COMMITED boys respect girls.
The Constant Phase
This is the best part of if the passion and desire still remains at the level of transition.
But this is the most difficult relationship to maintain because one need to keep aside his ego and still need to indulge in ADULT – ADULT conversation (This one of the Nine type of Transactional conversation).
Why is this most difficult relation to maintain?
It is relatively easy to bring up a child or to take care of our parents because in such case we are involved in PARENT – CHILD relationship. And by our human nature we are more than ready to compromise/give up our ego in such relationship.
We share ADULT –ADULT relation with our friends but it is relatively less demanding, so possibility of ego clash is very less.
The Second Love
SRK gave this funda in one of his movie “Hum ek bar jeete hain, ek bar marte hain, aur pyar bhi ek hi bar karte hain”
Hmmm Sounds Good… but I don’t believe.
A person falls in love for the first time under set of favorable events. It is very difficult to define all the set of favorable events under which a person develops love because they are very circumstantial. (Note: Circumstantial condition also includes state of the person). But we can’t precisely define the moment when a person will develop that kind of feelings. One of the main reasons for this inability is the fact that there is more than one set of events under which a person can develop that feeling and more than one person to which he/she can develop that feeling.
So if the set of event happened in his life once then saying that they will not happen again is wrong. But the probability is low due to presence of first love. (Note: first love does not mean the first lover; it means the feelings of first love)
We can always say that there always have a set of events which are so powerful that it can replace the present feelings. Or at least develop the new feelings in presence of old feelings.
And such events occur. A divorce man or dumped women do fall in love. Committed people also do fall in love. Call it infidelity or extra marital affair.
NOTE: We can by no means conclude that a person falling in love for the second time is bad character or dishonest. This is because the whole process is so vague that we can’t conclude any thing out of this. What we can learn is that:
1. People fall in love without any reason.
2. Maintaining Love is the most difficult part.
3. People do fall in pure love for second time in their life.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Behavioral Relativity
"Everything is made of atom" the scientist replied.
But if I have to answer this question I will say “Everything is relative"
It is (relatively) easy to realize that all the things are made of small indestructible things called ATOM (A = can’t be TOM= cut). Many scientists got the idea of atom their collective effort made the discovery of ATOM possible. But it requires the genius of Einstein to form the theory of relativity. No one else is intelligent enough to think on these lines. So if everything ends today then people might be able rediscover ATOM but may not be able to rediscover relativity.
I first came across the word relativity in my physics book. I realized that what we observe has no significance without frame of reference. We can see a moving object running and a stationary object moving from different reference point.
But is the theory of relativity only applicable to physical phenomenon?
In my opinion the answer is “No”.
I feel everything in this world is relative.
Any opinion expressed by any one in this world is relative. What does this mean?
This means an opinion is good/bad/neutral or true/false/neither or right/wrong/fact depends on the many things. All these things constitute frame of reference. As the frames of reference changes, the classification of opinion in to true/false changes.
There is nothing which is absolute TRUTH in this universe. (Including this statement??? How? I don’t know)
Why do I feel (note: I used the word feel and not think) like this is itself a big topic. I will try to explain my concept of truth in my next blog.
So if every opinion or act done is relative then how to judge a person or his/her act? If a person does something then how can we classify it as good or bad? How to differentiate between good and evil?
We can do all this using “behavioral relativity”. In fact we can do a better job than we do by classifying things in to good or bad.
Behavioral Relativity classifies people based on their character. Now as already mentioned there is nothing good or bad, so “character” is also not good or bad but weak or strong.
Character: Strong: They do what they believe right most of the time.
Weak: These people are not clear about right and wrong.
To explain how behavioral relativity works, let me take an example.
There are two associates P and N associates in a company.
Of course there are other associates a, b c etc..
All of them are expecting promotion this year.
N starts working very hard with full concentration and started excelling.
P started making good relation with seniors.
(Focus on Relation) P <--------------O--------------> N (Focus on Hard Work)
Focus on hard work P > b > N > a > c
Focus on Relation N > c > P > a > b
Both P and N got promoted in the next year.
How could it happen? How could both P and N end up getting promotion when they both took entirely opposite path? (Opposite paths are clearly shown in the picture)
How could seniors end up promoting two completely different kind of associate? If seniors believe they should promote N type of people then how come P gets priority over c? And if seniors believe they should promote P type of people then how come N gets priority over b?
Let’s analyze the situation this from behavioral Relativity point of view.
Person N believes = He should do something significant so as to get promoted.
Person P believes = He should have good relation with seniors so they consider him worth promoting.
Both are clear in there mind about the approach. These are their respective right approach.
Now both did what they believe right with full dedication. So both of them have are strong character.
Right = Mode value of what a person believes right
Right (P) = mode value of (hard work)
Right (N) = mode value of (relation)
I define character as,
Character = Right / Number of time a person does his respective right things
= Focus (Right)
So because both N and P are focused they got the promotion.
So using Behavioral theory we can classify people based on there character, clarity, consistency in their thinking and doing process.