Once upon a time a reporter asked a scientist "what would be one thing you would like to tell a group of kids, if every body on earth is going to die except those few kids?"
"Everything is made of atom" the scientist replied.
But if I have to answer this question I will say “Everything is relative"
It is (relatively) easy to realize that all the things are made of small indestructible things called ATOM (A = can’t be TOM= cut). Many scientists got the idea of atom their collective effort made the discovery of ATOM possible. But it requires the genius of Einstein to form the theory of relativity. No one else is intelligent enough to think on these lines. So if everything ends today then people might be able rediscover ATOM but may not be able to rediscover relativity.
I first came across the word relativity in my physics book. I realized that what we observe has no significance without frame of reference. We can see a moving object running and a stationary object moving from different reference point.
But is the theory of relativity only applicable to physical phenomenon?
In my opinion the answer is “No”.
I feel everything in this world is relative.
Any opinion expressed by any one in this world is relative. What does this mean?
This means an opinion is good/bad/neutral or true/false/neither or right/wrong/fact depends on the many things. All these things constitute frame of reference. As the frames of reference changes, the classification of opinion in to true/false changes.
There is nothing which is absolute TRUTH in this universe. (Including this statement??? How? I don’t know)
Why do I feel (note: I used the word feel and not think) like this is itself a big topic. I will try to explain my concept of truth in my next blog.
So if every opinion or act done is relative then how to judge a person or his/her act? If a person does something then how can we classify it as good or bad? How to differentiate between good and evil?
We can do all this using “behavioral relativity”. In fact we can do a better job than we do by classifying things in to good or bad.
Behavioral Relativity classifies people based on their character. Now as already mentioned there is nothing good or bad, so “character” is also not good or bad but weak or strong.
Character: Strong: They do what they believe right most of the time.
Weak: These people are not clear about right and wrong.
To explain how behavioral relativity works, let me take an example.
There are two associates P and N associates in a company.
Of course there are other associates a, b c etc..
All of them are expecting promotion this year.
N starts working very hard with full concentration and started excelling.
P started making good relation with seniors.
(Focus on Relation) P <--------------O--------------> N (Focus on Hard Work)
Focus on hard work P > b > N > a > c
Focus on Relation N > c > P > a > b
Both P and N got promoted in the next year.
How could it happen? How could both P and N end up getting promotion when they both took entirely opposite path? (Opposite paths are clearly shown in the picture)
How could seniors end up promoting two completely different kind of associate? If seniors believe they should promote N type of people then how come P gets priority over c? And if seniors believe they should promote P type of people then how come N gets priority over b?
Let’s analyze the situation this from behavioral Relativity point of view.
Person N believes = He should do something significant so as to get promoted.
Person P believes = He should have good relation with seniors so they consider him worth promoting.
Both are clear in there mind about the approach. These are their respective right approach.
Now both did what they believe right with full dedication. So both of them have are strong character.
Right = Mode value of what a person believes right
Right (P) = mode value of (hard work)
Right (N) = mode value of (relation)
I define character as,
Character = Right / Number of time a person does his respective right things
= Focus (Right)
So because both N and P are focused they got the promotion.
So using Behavioral theory we can classify people based on there character, clarity, consistency in their thinking and doing process.
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This blog is still incomplete..
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